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Where are you located?Our street address is 58 Commercial St, Watertown, CT 06795.
I live ________, do you come all the way out here?!"Yes! We work the whole state of CT and occasionally into MA, NY and RI.
What type of payment do you accept?We accept cash, check or credit card.
I am concerned about being able to afford training, do you offer payment plans?"Yes! One of our firm beliefs is that your financial situation should not bar you from a well trained dog. Payments planed are arranged per person.
How far in advance do I/can I schedule an appointment?We generally book out 2-4weeks and we reccomend calling ASAP so we can get to work with you. If yours is an urgent situation we can make accomodations for such
What vaccinations do you require?We require rabies and parvo (commonly done in a combo DHLPP/DHPP) vaccinations, but do reccomend that all dogs be vaccinated against lyme, lepto, canine flu and kennel cough. Titers are acceptable. Dogs coming to stay with us for training will need a negative fecal dated no more than ten days from their arrival.
Are you available to be a guest speaker in our class/facility?Absolutely! We speak regularly at local schools and highschools and love teaching people about the world of dogs and dog training.
What method of training do you use?We are not a method trainer and are well versed in all of the available training tools. When we work with a dog we train by using what works best for them!
Do you have any age/breed restricitons?Nope! All are welcome here. We have met with young puppies of 8 weeks and have worked with 10yr+ old dogs. We have worked with a myriad of breeds ranging from your rescue mixes, to well bred conformation show stock - and everything inbetween!
Do you work with aggressive dogs?Yes, we have rehabilitated many human and dog aggression cases - many with several bites under their belt.
My dog is afraid of everything, can you help?"Yes! We love nothing more than helping a shy or feaful dog blossom in to a happy confident pup.
I have multiple dogs/littermates, can you train with multiple dogs?"Yup! The more the merrier.
My dog is not spayed/neutered, can we still do training?"Absolutely. Additonally females in heat are welcome to training so long as they wear their pants to class or bring them to school.
I really want my spouse/children to train the dog too!Of course, training is a family affair! For children we focus on safety around dogs and if they are old enough/able, they take part in the lessons and learn to work the dog!
What happens if my dog(s) need vet care when they are with you?We will contact you first immediately. If we are unable to reach you and it is an emergency, we will transport your dog to a vet. Which vet we take them to depends on their hours and availability. Owner is responsible for all veterinary costs in addition to training.
Can you accomodate my dog's special diet/medicine?Absolutely!
How do I get updates on my dog who is away at school?Feel free to give us a call or send us an email any time that we are open!
Will my dog actually learn to be obedient?Not only do we train your dog, we teach you and your family the skills and techniques to be that quality leader in your dog's life! We know your dog can learn commands when the correct approach is used for your dog's personality. Evaluations help us determine the best approach for you and your dog, and determines which program will be most effective.
Will my dog listen to me after a residency program?Yes! We focus on the big picture - everyday commands for real life situations including training at home. Once we train a dog to follow commands, they never forget what they mean. Our extensive and thorough follow up lessons give you the necessary skills and understanding of how to handle your trained dog anywhere you go. We are also available to answer your questions whenever you need help!
How does my dog become a therapy dog?Well, first and foremost your pup should love people! From there, we require very clean obedience as you will be working in a non-pet friendly space and should be as controlled and invisible as possible. All that is left is to pass the exam! Exams are administed at the end of our Therapy Dog Class series.
Are their age/breed requirements or restrictions?Your dog must be 1yr+ and must have lived with you for 6mo. There are not breed restrictions, with the exception of wolf-dogs/hybrids. Therapy dogs can be any shape, size and breed!
I want my dog to be a therapy dog!We look forward to helping you! It is important to note that not every dog is a candidate for a therapy dog. Just because you want your dog to be one, doesn't mean they would enjoy it or excel at it!
I would like therapy dogs to visit my facility.Awesome! We are always looking for more places to volunteer, let's get in touch!
I am a mental health professional/teacher and would like to bring my dog to work!These pups can be a great additon to the work place, however you need to get permission from your employer before bringing your dog to work with you. We would love to help you train your dog in the mean time!
I'd like more information about Service DogsWhether you are toying with the idea or have been reccomended one by your doctor and are unsure where to start, we are an open book! We are judgment free and confidential, and would love to discuss how a service dog may help you.
I want a Service DogWe would be happy to help you! That being said, service dogs are for individuals with a documented disability and are supplemental not a cure all! If you and your treating physcian are both on board, we look forward to speaking with you.
Are there age/breed restrictions?When considering a dog as your prospect we always say "need before breed". At this time any shape and size of dog can be a service dog as long as they are suitble for your needs. For first time handlers we always reccomend the "fab four": labrador, golden retriever, poodle (Standard, minature or toy), or collie (rough or smooth). We also reccomend you start with a quality dog from a reputable preservation breeder. Rescues/mixes can succeed, however their genetic health, temperament and longevity are a gamble. At this time wolf-dogs or hybrids are NOT eligible for service dog work per the ADA.
I want to bring my dog with me everywhere!Unfortunately only Service Animals (horse or dog) are allowed public access. It is illegal to bring your pet into public non-pet friendly places and punishable by jail time and a hefty fine.
Do you certify Service Dogs?Per the ADA there is NO REGISTRY for service animals. All online registries are completely fraudlent and scams. We do train service dogs and offer AKC CGC testing and our own public access test however these are optional and NOT required for a service animal to be valid.
Can my dog be a Service Dog AND a therapy dog?Yes, and no. Service dogs are medical equipment. If, when off duty, you are able to and want to volunteer we could explore therapy dog certification with you.
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